Tuesday, June 22, 2010

osoyoos WHOOPEE

Submitted by Kitty Chavarie

That was a climb and a half!  WOWIE!!. My thighs feel like Arnold Schwarzenegger moved in. I did it though, all twenty three kilometers. So I am super happy about that.  And then I rode all day to land in Grand Forks in time to hit the pool and cool off the nether regions (we talk a lot about this heating problem in the shorts but not about to share any here!)

<-- Kitty

Getting ready for the big ascent.  Left to right: Volunteer drivers Wayne and Malcolm, riders James and Rebecca-->

<--Justin Chan, at viewpoint, in the first stage in Anarchist Pass

I had my first "real" wildlife event today, I was cruising along alone for a bit and heard this pinging sound of metal on metal, only to see the barbwire fencing part and a black bear push thru and move towards me,  my speed really really picked up at this point!! I found resources I didn't know I possessed....happy happy day, I made it thru in time to eat at a great barbecue. So life is better than good.

My speedometer heading down the pass, reading 44 kph.. pretty fast!-->

I have to say that Brenda and my end of day massage from my good friend here in Grand Forks was a major highlight. She got my head to turn like a regular person and ironed out heaps of knots I have accumulated. It was really nice to be in a home again. Life is great out here in Pedalville.

- Kitty

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