Left Grand Forks feeling groovy after my wonderful massage last night...the ride by Christina Lake was beautiful, sunny and summery. Then we climbed and climbed thru a yucky construction zone, don't know when I have ever had a semi closer to me other than maybe leaning on one in a parking lot! SHEESH it was scary...made it to the end of the climb ok regardless.
<--A quick roadside bike repair
Lots of folks had bits and parts fail them today..you can tell we have done lots of kms by the wear and tear on our bikes. Mine keeps making this velcro rippy sound just out of the blue then it goes away. SO far I am not looking for the problem cause
ignoring it seems to be working...not so smart but I think my brain may be getting a bit soft and tired after all this pedalling...
LONG long descent into Rossland with head wind that made my freckles exhausted but here we are in Trail now. Had a lovely dinner out with the Kinsmen here...this being treated so well is very very doable for all of us.
Loving all the friendships with this ride, nice folk to talk to all day and share stories. Anyone who wants to feel community and purpose with fitness in mind might want to look into this. I only started riding a road bike in April and here I am managing to get all this way and still in one piece! WOW
- Kitty
More stories and photos will be posted for Day 6 on Thursday night, after we arrive in Creston.
Would you like to sponsor a favorite rider? Click on their name anywhere on this journal to open their "bio" on the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation GearUp4CF web site, click on the button "Sponsor this Rider", and you will join our team!
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