Sunday, June 13, 2010

Training in Victoria - my rides so far

Submitted by Kitty Chavarie

Well the countdown is really getting close. I have not climbed as many mountains to train as I could have. But, considering this is my first experience with a road bike ( bought my Trek just 2 months ago), and between learning clip shoes, positioning and handling the speeds these fast bikes go..  I am happy to say that while I know I won’t be the fastest on our team, I have tenacity and stubbornness that should help me on my way.

My last big ride was last weekend, rode to Qualicum Bay and back from Chemainus (about 210 km). I did it in two days so I could fit in some visiting in between, almost made it home dry but the rain caught me just outside of Ladysmith so once again my bike was washed organically! 

Probably my only complaint about training is lack of company on the road. I feel lucky if I can find a friend who will ride over ½ hour at a go so most of my riding is alone (other than Ruth, speed demon-my riding   buddy on Mondays!)  I'm SO look forward to the ‘group event’ this coming Saturday.

Thanks to everyone from Chemainus and Ladysmith communities for your local support and heaps of thanks to the guys at the shutdown in Kamloops for their generousity.  My bosses Dr.Danny Dares and Teya for putting out the initial sponsorship to get me going on this big ride.

I am away from my home computer so can’t add any photos, can’t wait to get my team riding gear and see my teammates soon

….sincerely Kitty on the coast

PS Hi Sandra, see you very soon!

Would you like to sponsor a favorite rider? Click on their name anywhere on this journal to open their "bio" on the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation GearUp4CF web site, click on the button "Sponsor this Rider", and you will join our team!

1 comment:

  1. "Speed demon" aka Ruth KaneJune 14, 2010 at 3:17 PM

    Hey Kitty,
    I wish you and the rest of the team all the best for your ride! Would love to go with you...Darn job interfering with my life again!
    I was trying to get you some red tires, but so far no luck. You'll have to "shine" without them.
    Have an awesome time!!! I'll be right here reading what's happening and praying that God will watch over you.
    Your "Monday riding buddy"


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