Thursday, June 24, 2010

Memories of Day 1 and Day 2 from Margaret Benson - Thank you all

Submitted by Margaret Benson

Just thought I would touch base and let you know Brian and I survived the big bike ride and amazingly are still talking to each other.

Margaret with Hannah, one of the CF children she rode for this year-->

What an incredible journey, two days of joy, uphill grinds, laughter, swearing, sweating, sunshine, misty rain and of course tears.  It was one of the most memorable weekends of our lives and to raise awareness and funds for Cystic Fibrosis a cause so close to us, was the best.

We traveled over 253 kms in the two days and were in the saddle approximately 12 hours.  The first day we were given a police escort out of the city of Ladner. There were many families there to join in the send off.

Hanna, one of the CF children we were riding for, was there with her family. It was sunny and the journey rather flat and in farm country with our final destination Harrison Hot Springs.

<--BrianMargaret and Hannah

We enjoyed lunch in Sumas at one of the Kin director's home.  Fantastic food and the deputy mayor of Abbotsford joined us.

<--I was able to take pictures from the back of the tandem which was loads of fun.

The horse picture was actually taken upside down, but that is the beauty of digital cameras and the rotate button-->

The second day was the day of Hills, Hills and more Hills.  From Hope to Manning Park is one gigantic hill. It is relentless.  Let's just say we both had to dig deep, swear a lot, cry and totally think of the people we were riding for, to give us strength. They were our light of hope at the top of every hill.

When we finally arrived at the summit we stopped for a very grateful and emotional picture. (Thanks to my donor family and donor)

All I kept thinking was 11 years ago I was dying of CF and now Brian and I are pedaling our tandem bike to the top of the Hope Princeton Highway, seemed like the "Top of the World."  What a celebration there was when we came down the final hill into the Manning Park Lodge.  Our cycling friends were there to meet us.  The looks on their faces and tears in their eyes said it all, "WOW, what an accomplishment!!!!"

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey.  There are no words to properly thank each and everyone of you, but just know that we appreciate all of you for your love and support.

Nathan Stedman (the brother of Alex Stedman... Alex is the young man James is riding for), together with Brian, Margaret and Hannah-->

Special thanks to Brian for, just being "Him."

<--James, Margaret and GearUp4CF rider last year, Chris Blohmke, who rode with us for the first two days.

On a final note, George Keulen, one of the CF adults we were riding for, received his double lung transplant late Friday night or early Saturday morning. What a blessing.  We were thinking of him while we were riding. Here's hoping in a few years he'll be part of the CF ride too.

-  Margaret

Would you like to sponsor a favorite rider? Click on their name anywhere on this journal to open their "bio" on the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation GearUp4CF web site. Then simply click on the button "Sponsor this Rider".

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