Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 6 - Trail to Creston: Tears, Cheers and Thanks

Submitted by Kitty Chavarie

The day began with a family visit from my aunt and uncle, then, we did an interview with Trail Times.  Finally, off we went to seek out the base of our climb.

<--Our route today, plotted on Stan's Garmin GPS. Total distance 122 km. For details, click here.

Our elevation profile, plotted by GPS.  At 1,545 meters (5,036 feet), Bonanza Pass is one of the highest mountain highway passes open year-round in Canada-->

<--Bob Payne, arriving at the summit

Wow, I had no idea how long 1 mile up could be.  Salmo-Creston pass is a place to ride forever to find yourself.  There's lots of personal time working our way up there.  It took me a total of 2.5 hours in order to get wonderful hugs from everyone waiting at the summit.

We made it!!  Jill Payne and Kitty-->

<-- Jill and Bob experience a moment that won't be forgotten for a long tine.

ZOOMING down was a rush and I managed it without the fear I felt on our ride down Sunday Summit a few days ago.  The dry helped me get over the fear as the visablity is a bonus.

Watermelon, sweat, and cold clean air then hot hot air will be my memories of this day, combined with lots of love and acceptance.

Support drivers Wayne and Malcom with Kitty--


I just want to add a bit to this journal about thanks.  

Thanks for all my  friends and supporters who helped get me to where I am today. I had no idea
so many people cared so much about each other and were willing to help out so much.  Life is sometimes about luck, some of us are lucky and get healthy bodies at birth and carry on to reproduce another generation of healthy kids, and some of us arn't so lucky.  This ride is about the other folks.  

We all take lots for granted in life, doing this ride with parents of CF kids, researchers, friends and family with CF connections has taught me more than I could ever have imagined. With all of your support raising over $7000. became a reality, and now with all of your cheers, good wishes and "go do it's" daily here on the Internet I find the willpower and strength to finish the challenge of getting to our next stop everyday.

To all you boilermakers in Kamloops a special thanks for really kicking it up a notch, I feel the love believe me., you women and men are special to me in ways you can't imagine...I think of you as I am pedalling for hours on end up and down endless roads here thru our beautiful province.  It is a different sort of way to see this place, we see, smell and hear things you can't experience in a car, so worth it. 

I am tired, no doubt about parts are aching but so are everyone else's and we are a tight team now so none of us will quit until we finish this thing.

Thanks again, enjoy every, kitty 

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